Website Performance Optimization - Load Testing & More


It is accepted by the IT industry that website performance optimization is essential. The excellent performance of your web site definitely has a bearing on the end user and his long term interest with regards to the web page. Also, at the same time the performance of your web site decides whether you rank well in the search engines.

Because of this, at this moment I am supplying you with an assortment of free of charge resources to help you acquire knowledge of whether or not your landing page is fully optimized for the world wide web. Even before you start, please remember that the specifications evaluated to decide whether or not your landing page is functioning well are very much the same everywhere around the world, and on just about every piece of equipment.

If you wish to learn of the specifications you need to check, then view this non-exhaustive listing of technological requirements. The list includes: Concatenation, obfuscation and minification of JS as well as CSS documents; Utilization or functioning of a Content Delivery Network; GZIP internet page compression settings; Internet browser cache administration; Analyzation of the variety of HTTP demands; File size of graphics; Html code composition; Download performance; Mobile device computer screen utilization; along with several others.

Running a load test on your website is absolutely critical if you're looking to ensure that it can stand up to a large number of visitors at once. For example, if you have a blog post that goes viral or somthing else happend to get publicity to your website, you want to be sure that it can handle the visitor load without crashing and a load test is one of the best ways to do this, software like Tsung, Dotcommonitor, and LoadRunner are all great options.

Going through the these kinds of web-optimization requirements would most likely turn out to be prolonged, cumbersome as well as frequently require specialized technical knowledge. Therefore you need to utilize a specialist to analyze the performance of your website. If you want to optimize your sites, it will be necessary for you to either understand the technical specifications or hire someone who does. That will help the functioning of your site as well as its conformity with the standards of the web. A specialist will have the knowledge which allows them to properly analyze the performance of the site.

Below are a variety of load testing resources to keep in mind when you're building a website:

Optimization Websites for Nonprofits


Coming up with the best possible end user experience for all of your website's web page visitors is not a precise process. On the other hand, focusing your attention on a number of overall performance criteria may very well help you. Internet efficiency optimization deals with secrets and techniques normally used in take full advantage of CSS, HTML and also JavaScript with the intention to make improvements to internet page performance as well as ease of use.

Internet site optimization is the strategy of taking one step at a time to make the most of the overall performance of a website. You would utilize that for a web page that you wish to improve as part of your overall web strategy. Internet site overall performance is more than just re-positioning traditional data files on servers located near to site visitors. It also happens to be, at the same time, devoted to making sure that each and every web page provides data as rapidly and effectively as it possibly can.

When you're talking about a nonprofit website, it's even more inportant to make sure that the site is optimized as many times nonprofit websites aren't running on the best servers. Sometimes they are donated or are some other type of discounted or restricted hosting. So, there's it's really important to make sure that you get the most out of these types of servers.

It is, at this juncture, an acknowledged as well as confirmed concept: the overall performance of an internet site has a bearing on more than just the end user as well as his dedication on the web site, it also has an impact on the web page’s search ranking. Web performance optimization resources will look at your layout, your content material, your overall performance, the ease of access as well as any security measures that you may have. Then they utilize all that data to assist you to identify potentially dangerous mistakes that you may need to remedy for your site.

If you are planning to put some thought into the performance of your own web sites, it will be important that you choose the right strategy. Your online site needs to comply with the specifications of the world wide web. That will enable your IT staff to evaluate the overall performance in accordance with the load of the web site.

To get the most out of your nonprofit website, I'd recommend checking out these resources:

Your Website and the Virtual Machine


The single biggest innovation to decrease the latency in building a web page to pipe through the web is the virtual machine. Allowing high end hardware to use distributive processing within a single system has been a boon to not only the server industry but to those of us who design and implement web systems. In union with that the virtual machine allows the designer to load test a system to finds its weak points and then to make recommendations as to what methodology can be used to alleviate any system pressure. Although no system is impervious to the rigors of a high-pressure data load, the virtual machine can in fact help in times of high demand.

As an example, you may have designed a website that gives players information about a certain game they are currently playing. They go to this website for information regarding the state of the game as well as any new releases. In conjunction, the developers of the game release information that a new version of the game is about to be released. This announcement will create a buzz in the community and they will rush to your site to get the latest and greatest.

In this time of high traffic as well as high database requests a perfect scenario would be to offload the network traffic to one set of hardware and offload the database requests to another. Before the advent of the virtual machine one would have had routing software, load software, as well as the extra hardware to share the high demand for both the traffic as well as the database access. Through the advent of the virtual machine this is no longer necessary.

The VM monitoring software can tell when the system is being taxed by the number of requests per second. Once a threshold is exceeded then another VM is spawned and the workload is then shared by the new VM. As requests for either data or bandwidth increase more and more VMs are spawned until the high demand has dissipated. This is not to say that there is no limit to the amount VMs that can be spawned, but if the hardware is high end then in almost all cases the VMs will handle the load with a minimum amount of latency. Once the load demand is over then the surplus VMs will be shut down and processing will proceed as normal.

The use of VMs is industry standard now and available through a variety of operating systems and file systems. It has become the de facto standard for helping ensure that a server when faced with a high load can handle the resource requests by simply spawning another VM.